The Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana of Valmiki ( Volume -4) -19

Yoga Vasishtha
of Valmiki

The only complete English translation is
by Vihari Lala  Mitra (1891).



Argument.--Description of the battle field, and of the hills and sky,
and the story of the foolish crow.

The companions added; --Look lord, the field of battle,
stretching to the bordering hills; look upon the heaps
of shining weapons, and the scattered forces of elephants, horse,
infantry and war chariots.
2. Look at the slain and their slayers, and the combatants
attacking their corrivals; and how their dying souls are borne
by celestial nymphs in heavenly cars to heaven.
3. The victor finding his adversary worsted in warfare,
ought not slay him unjustly, unless he is justified to do so by
laws of warfare: (as a youth is justified to take unto him no
other woman but his legal wife).
4. As health and wealth and prosperity, are good for men
when they are rightly gained; so it is right to fight for those
by whom one is supported.
5. When one kills his opposing corrival in combat, without
violation of the laws of warfare, he is justly styled a heavenly
champion, and not one who takes undue advantage of his
6. Behold there the bold champion brandishing his sword,
as if he is swinging a blue lotus in his hand; and casting the
dark shadow of the evening dusk on the ground. Such a hero
is courted by Laxmi for her spousal.
7. Look at those flourishing weapons, flaming as the flying
embers of wild fire, in a mountain forest; or as the dreadful
dragons of the sea, dancing on land with hundreds of their
flashing hoods and heads.
8. Look at the sky on one side, resembling the sea with its
watery clouds, and shining with strings of its stars on another;
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see how it is covered by dark clouds on one side; and how it
is brightened by moon beams on the other.
9. Look at the firmament, ranged by multitudes of revolving
planets, resembling the rolling chariots of warriors; and
crowded by myriods[**myriads] of moving stars, likening the soldiers in
the battle field; and yet it is the error of the ignorant to think
it an empty vacuum; an error which is hard for the wise to
10. The sky with its over spreading clouds, its fiery lightnings,
its thunder bolts that break down the mountain wings;
its starry array, and the battle of gods and demigods that took
place in it; is still as inscrutable in his nature, as the solid
minds of the wise, whose magnitude no one can measure.
11. O wise man, thou hast been constantly observing before
thee, the sun, moon and all the planets and stars in the firmament,
together with all the luminous bodies of comets, meteors
and lightnings; and yet [**[it]] is astonishing that, your ignorance will
not let [**[you]] see the Great Náráyana in it.
12. Thou dark blue sky, that art brightened by moon-light,
dost yet retain thy blackness, like the black spot amidst the
lightsome[**space removed] disk of the moon; and such is the wonder
ignorant minds, that with all their enlightenment, they
will never get rid of their inward bias and prejudice.
13. Again the clear sky which is full with endless worlds,
is never contaminated by their faults, nor ever changed in its
essential state; and resembles the vast and pure mind of the
wise, which is full with its knowledge of all things, and devoid
of all their pollutions.
14. Thou profound sky, that art the receptacle of the most
elevated objects of nature, and containest the lofty clouds and
trees and summits in thy womb; that art the recepient[**recipient] of the
sun, moon and the aerial spirits that move about in[**=print] thee;
art yet inflamed by the flames of the fiery bodies that[**=print] rise in
thee to our great regret, notwithstanding thy greatness,
which helps them to spread themselves high in heaven.
15. Thou sky that art replete with pure and transparent
light, and great with thy greatness of giving quarters to all the
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great and elevated objects of nature; but it is greatly to be
pitied, that the dark clouds to whom thou givest room to rise
under thee, molest us lake base upstarts, with pelting their
hailstones at random.[**meaning of sentence?]
16. Again thou dark sky, art the attestor of all lights; as
the touchstone is the test of gold; and thou art a void in thy
essence, yet thou dost support the substances of stars and
planets of clouds and winds and all real existences at large.
17. Thou art the day light at daytime, and the purple red
of evening, and turnest black at night; thus devoid of all
colour of thyself thou dost exhibit all colours in thee; hence
it is impossible even for the learned, to understand aright thy
nature and its convertible conditions also.
18. As the helpless man is enabled to achieve his purposes,
by means of his patient perseverence[**perseverance]; so the
innane[**inane] sky has
risen above all, by means of its universal diffusion. (The gloss
says that, extension of knowledge, is the cause of elevation).
19. The sun that persists in his wonted course, rises to the
vertical point in time; but the unmoving straws and trees,
and the dormant hills and places, and stagnant pools and
ponds, are ever lying low on the ground.
20. The night invests the sky with a sable garb, and
sprinkles over it the fair moonlight like the cooling dust of
camphor; with the decoration of stars like clusters of flowers
upon it. The day mantles the firmament with bright sun beams,
and the seasons serve to cover it in clouds and snows, and in
the gaudy attire of vernal flowers. Thus is time ever busy, to
decorate the heavenly paths of his lords the sun and moon, the
two time keepers by day and night.
21. The firmament like the magnanimous mind, never
changes the firmness of its nature; although it is ever assailed
by the disturbances of smokes and clouds of dust and darkness,
of the rising and setting sun and moon and their dawns
and dusks: and of the confluence of stars and combat of gods
and demons.
22. The world is an old and decayed mansion, of which the
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four sides are it walls, the sky its covering roof above and the
earth its ground floor below; the hills and mountains are its
pillars and columns, and the cities and towns are its rooms and
apartments; and all the various classes of animal beings, are
as the ants of this abode.
23. Time and action are the occupants of this mansion
from age to age, and all its ample space presents the aspect of
a smiling garden; it is feared every day to be blown and
blasted away, and yet it is a wonder how this frail flower should
last so long and for ever more.
24. It is the air mythink[**methinks], that puts a stop to the greater
height or rising of trees and hills; for though it does not
actually restrain their growth, yet its influence (pressure from
above), like the authority of noble men, puts a check to the
rise of aspiring underlings.
25. O fie for that learning, which calls the air as void and
vacuity; seeing it to contain millions of worlds in its bosom,
and producing and reducing also unnumbered beings in its
boundless bosom.
26. We see all things to be born in and to return into the
air; and yet we see the[**typo: inverted e!] madness of men, that reckon
the all
containing and all pervading air, as something different from
27. We see the works of creation, to be continually producing,
existing and extinguishing in air, like sparks of fire; I
ween this pure and sole air, which is without beginning, middle
and end, as the universal source and terminus of all, and no
other distinct cause as God.
28. The vacuum is the vast reservoir of the three worlds,
and bears in its ample space the innumerable productions of
nature; I understand infinite vacuity as the body of the
Intellect, and that trancendent[**transcendent] being, in which this
conception of the world, has its rise and fall.
29. There in[**space added] the woodlands on mountain tops, the solitary
forester chants his charming strains amidst his sylvan retreat;
and attracts the heart of the lonely passenger, who lifts up his
head to listen to the rapturous times.
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30. Hearken O Lord, to the sweet music, proceeding from
the thick groves on yonder lofty mountain; and emitted with
the heart rending strains, of love born Vidyádhara nymphs;
and behold the lonely and love sick passenger, whose love-sick
heart being smitten by the sound, has neither the power to proceed
forward or recede backward from the spot, or utter a word.
31. I hear a love lorn Vidyádhara damsel, singing her love
ditty amidst the woods of the hill with her heaving sighs and
tears flowing profusely from her eyes. She sang saying;[**:] 'Lord,
I well remember the day, when thou ledst me to the recess of
the bower, holding my chin and giving kisses on my cheeks
with thy smiling face, and now the pleasing remembrance of
that gladsome moment, hath left me to deplore its loss for years[**'].
32. I heard her tale, O Lord, thus related to me from the
mouth of a forester on the way. He said:--Her former young
lover, was cursed by a relentless sage to become an arbour for a
dozen of years; and it is since this ill fated change of his, that
she has been reclining on that tree, and singing her mournful
ditty unto the same.
33. And now observe the wonder, that on my approach the
arborescent lover, was released of his sad curse, and shedding
a shower of flowers upon her, he changed his form and clasped
her unto his arms with his face smiling as his blooming flowers.
34. The tops of hills are decorated with flowers, as the
heads of elephants are painted with white dye; the sky is
whitened with the stars and falling meteors, as the summit of
the mountain is etiolated with hoar-frost and snows.
35. Behold there the beautiful stream of Kaveri, gliding
along with shoals of fishes skimming in its waters; to its boisterous
waves resounding with the cries of shrill and clamorous
cranes; see its banks mantled in vests of flowers, and its shores
freely grazed by timid fauns without any fear.
36. Look the Bela rock, which is washed by the billows of
Varuna-[**--]the god of the sea; its stones shining as gold under
the solar rays; and sparkling as the marine fire when they
are laved by the waves.
37. Look at the abodes of the Ghosha[**=print] shepherds at the foot
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of the mountain, which are continually covered under the
shrouding clouds; and behold the beauty of the blossoming
palása and patala trees there abouts.
38. Look at the plains, whitened by the full-blown whitish
flowers; see the mandara tree with twining and flowering creepers;
look at the banks crowded by cranes and peacocks; look
at those villages and the water falls, resounding as music from
the mouths of mountain caves and forests, and redounding to
the joy of the happy inhabitants of the valley.
39. Here the buzzing bees are sporting about the new blown
petals of plantain flowers; and inspiring fond desire in the
breasts of the Pamara foresters; who enjoy a bliss in their
rustic pastures and hidden hilly caverns, which I ween, is not
attainable by the immortal gods in their garden of eden[**Eden]. (So
says Hafiz:--Thou canst not have in heaven, the blissful fount
of Roknabad, nor the flowery groves of Mossella).
40. Behold the black bees sporting and swinging in their
cradles of the flowery creepers of the forest; and to the Pulinda
forester singing to his beloved, with his eyes fixed upon her face;
and mark also the sportive Kiráta, forgetting to kill the
deer roving beside his lonely cavern.
41. Here the weary traveller is regaled, by the sweet scent
of various full blown flowers, and is cooled in his body by the
odorous dust, wafted by the breeze from the flowering creepers;
while the winds bearing the watery particles of the waves, which
lave the vale on all sides, render the spot more delightful than
the spotted disc of the moon. (i. e. the people have more of
coolness here, than the gods have in the moist sphere of the
42. Here the unceasing gliding of waters, and the continued
waving of the palm trees; together with the dancing of the
blossoming branches, and the undulation of the spreading creepers
in the air; the forest of lofty sála trees in the borders,
and the hanging clouds over the bordering hills, all combine
to add a charm to this village of the vale, not unlike to[**delete 'to'] that of
the gardens in the orb of the moon.
43. The flashing of lightnings, and the deep roaring of
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clouds; the merry dance of peacocks and their loud shrieks and
screams, and their trailing trains displayed in the air, decorate
the valley with a variety of variegated gems.
44. The bright orb of the moon appearing on one side, and
the dark clouds rising as huge elephants on the other; serve
to embellish the village in the valley, and the hllls[**hills] in the skirts,
with a beauty unknown in the havenly[**heavenly] kingdom of Brahma:
(which is the Empyrion[**empyrean] or city of fire only).
45. O! how I long to lodge myself in the mountain grotto,
amidst the fragrant arbours of the beauteous nandana[**Mandana] forest,
and in the delightsome groves of blooming santánaha blossoms,
and where the busy bees are continually fluttering, over the
mandára and paribhadra arboretts[**arborets].
46. O, how[** space added] much are our hearts attracted, by the cries of
tender deer, browzing the verdant and delightsome verdure;
and by the blooming blossoms on hills and in dales, as by sight
of the cities of mankind.
47. Look on yonder village in the valley, where the waterfall
appears as a column of clear chrysolite; and the peacoks[**peacocks]
are in their merry dance, all about the precipitate cascade.
48. See how the joyous peacocks, and the gaysome[**space removed]
bending down under the burden of their blossoms; are dancing
delightfully, beside the purling water of the cataract.
49. I believe the lusty god of desire (Káma or cupid[**Cupid]),
sports here at his pleasure, in this village of the valley protected
by the hills all around. He is sporting with the handsome
harita birds (the green partridges and parrots) in the verdant
groves, and beside the crystal lakes, resounding with the sweet
warblings of water-fowls.
50. O most prosperous and magnanimous lord, that art the
centre of all virtues, and the highest and gravest of men; thou
art like the towering mountain, the refuge of mankind from
heat, and the cause of their plenty, (i. e. the rainy clouds on
mountain tops, are the causes of plenteous produce).
51. Thou cloud that bathest in holy waters, (i. e. that resist
from the waters of seas and rivers); that art exalted above all
earthly beings, and choosest to abide in hills and wildernesses
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like holy hermits, and art taciturn like them, from the pure
holiness of thy nature; thou appearest also as fair in the form
when thou art emptied (of thy waters) in autumn; all this is
good in thee; but say why dost thou rise in thy fulness with
flashing lightnings in thy face, and roaring thunders in thy
breast, like lucky upstarts of low origin?
52. All good things being misplaced (or out of their proper
place), turn to badness; as the water ascending to the clouds,
turns to hoar frost and cold ice.
53. O, wonder! that the drops distilled by the clouds, fill
the earth with water; and wonder it is that this water supports
all beings, and makes the poor grow with plenty, (of hervest[**harvest]).
54. Ignorant peaple[**people] are as dogs, in ther[**their] unsteadiness,
in their impurity and wayfaringness; hence I know
not weather[**whether] the ignorant have derived their nature from dogs
or these from them.
55. There are some persons, who notwithstanding all their
faults, are yet esteemed for certain qualities in them; as the
dogs are taken into favour, on account of their valour, contentedness
and faithfulness to their masters. (So are men serviceable
to their masters for these virtues in them).
56. We see all wordly[**worldly] people persuing[**pursuing] the course
of their
worldiness[**worldliness] as madmen, and pushing on in the paths of
at the sacrifice of their honor, and likely to tumble down with
fatigue. I find them flying to and fro as trifling straws, and
know not whether it is of their will or madness or stupidity,
that they have made choice of this foolish course.
57. Among brute creatures, the brave lion hears the
tremendous thunder claps without shuddering: while the
cowardly dog trembles and shuts his eyes with fear at the
58. I believe, O vile dog, that thou hast been taught to bark
at thy fellows, and to ramble about in the streets, by some
surly and strolling porter or peon (among men).
59. The divine creator, that has ordained varieties in all his
works, has made the nasty breed of his daughter saromá[**Saromá] all
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equal in their filthiness. These are the dogs, that make their
kennels or dog holes in dirt, that feed upon filth and carrion
and copulate in public places, and carry about an impure
body every where. (This is a slur against the progeny of one's
daughters, who generally turn to be vicious).
60. "Who is there viler than thee"; says a man to his
dog; to which he answered, [**"]the silly man as thee is the vilest
of all." There are the best qualities of valour, fidelity and
unshaken patience, combined in the canine tribe; and these
are hard to be had in human kind, who grovel in the darkness
of their ignorance amidst greater impurities and calamities.
(The instinctive sagacity of beasts, is a surer safe guard to
them, than the boasted reason of man).
61. The dog eats impure things and lives in impurity; he is
content with what it gets, feeds upon dead bodies and never
hurts the living, and yet men are fond of pelting stones on him
every where; thus the dog is made a plaything by men, contray[**contrary]
to the will of God.
62. Looking at the crow flying there upon the offerings,
left on the lingum[**lingam] or phallus of Siva on younder[**yonder]
bank; and
there appearing to sight to tell its tale to people, saying;
"Behold me on high, with all my degarding[**degrading] sin[**"]; (of
from the altars of deities).
63. Thou croaking crow, that crowest so harshly, and treadst
the marshy lake; it is no wonder that thou wouldst vex us
with thy cries, that hast put down the sweet buzz of humming
64. We see the greedy rook, devouring ravenously the dirty
filth, in preferance[**preference] to the sweet lotus stalk. It is no wonder
that some would perfer[**prefer] sour to sweet, from their long and
habitual taste of it.
65. A white crow sitting in a bush, of white lotus flowers
and their snowy filaments, was taken at first for a hansa or
heron, but as it began to pick up worms, it came to be known
as a crow.
66. It is difficult to distinguish a crow, sitting in company
with a cuckoo, both being of the like sable plumes and fea-*
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*thers; unless the one makes itself known as distinct from the
other, by giving out its own vocal sound.
67. The crow sitting[**=print] on a forest tree, or on a mould of
clay or high built building, looks on all sides for its prey; as a
nightly thief mounts on a chaitta tree; and sits watching there
from the ways of people.
68. It is imposible[**impossible] for a crow, to abide with cranes and
storks by the side of a lake, which abounds in lotus flowers,
that diffuse their sombre farina all about.
69. For shame that the noisy crow, should have a seat on
the soft lotus bed in company with silent swans, and play his
disgraceful part and tricks among them. (i. e. It is impudence
on the part of the ignorant, to open their mouths, where
the learned hold their silence).
70. Thou crow that criest as the hardest saw, say where
hast thou left or lost thy former reservedness to-day. Why
dost thou brood over the young cuckoo, the sweetness of whose
voice thou canst never attain, and whom thou canst not retain
as thy young.
71. One seeing a dark crow sitting as a black steg, in a
bed of white lotuses, and crowing aloud with delight at that
place, said unto him saying;[**:]--It is better for thee O clamorous
crow to rend ears of those with thy cracking voice, that are not
tired with spltting[**splitting] the head of others with their wily verbiage.
72. It is well when the cunning consort with the cunning,
as the crow and the crab meeting at a pool; or the rook and
the owl joining in an arbour; for the two rogues though seemingly
familiar, will not fail to foil one another by their
natural enmity (ká ko lu kiká).
73. The cuckoo associating with the crow, and resembling
him in figure and colour; is distinguished by his sweet notes
from the other; as the learned man makes himself known by
his speech in the society of the ignorant.
74. The blossoming branch is well able to bear, the spoliation
of its flowers by the cuckoo; and will not yet suffer the
association of crows and cranes, and cocks and vultures upon
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its twigs. (i. e. It is possible to bear with an injury from the
good, but not to tolerate the society of bad people).
75. How delightfully do people listen to the sweet notes of
the cuckoo, which unites the separted[**separated] lovers together; but
can brook to hearken unto the jarring cries of the crow or
hooting of the owl, without disgust.
76. When the sweet notes of the young kokila, serve to
ravish the ears of hearers, with the gladsome tidings of the
vernal season; there is the grating cry of the crow, immediately
obtruding upon their ears, and demanding the melodious
cuckoo as its foster child. (It is well known to all here, that
young cuckoos are fostered in the nests of crows).
77. Why and what hast thou been cooing so long, O thou
tender cuckoo, with so much joy and glee in yonder grove; lo!
thy pleasant vernal season is too soon over with its fading
flowers, and beheld the stern winter approaching fast, to blast
the blossoming trees with its icy breath, and bidding thee to
hide thy head in thy nest.
78. A separated mistress seeing a sweet kokila, pour
forth his notes to the tender blossoms of the vernal season
thus address to him saying;[**:] "say, O sweet cuckoo! who
taught thee to tell, that vernal season is tava tava tua tua,
i, e,[**i. e.] "for thee and thy enjoyment," this is verily an woeful
lie thou tellest me, instead of saying "it is mine and mine"
that art enjoying thy companion." (It would better rendering
in English to reverse the application of the words mine
and thine).
79. The cuckoo sitting silent in an assemblage of crows,
appears as one of them in its form and colour of its feathers;
and the graceful gait of the cuckoo, makes it known from the
rest, as the wise man is marked in the company of fools. It is
hence that every[**=print] body is respected by his inward talents and
outward deportment, more than by outer form and feathers.
80. O brother kokila! it is in vain that thou dost coo so
sweetly, when there is none to appreciate its value; it is far
better therefore, that thou shouldst sit quiet in thy secluded
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covert under the shady leaves, when these flocks of crows are
so loud in their cries; and when it is time for the falling dews,
and not of vernal flowers.
81. It is to be wondered, that the young cuckoo forsakes its
mother for its fostering crow; which on her part begins to prick
it with its bills and claws. As I reflect on these, I find the
young cuckoo growing in its form to the likeness of its mother;
and hence I conclude, that the nature of a person prevails over
his training every where.
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Argument:--Description of a Lake of lotus, and the bees and swans
frequenting them.
The companions said:--Behold there, O lord! the lotus
lake on the tableland of the mountain; reflecting the
sky in its bosom, and resembling the pleasure pond of Káma or
cupid[**Cupid]. Behold there the beds of white, red and blue lotuses,
with their protruding stalks; and listen to the mingled sounds
of the water fowls sporting thereon.
2. Lo the full blown lotus standing on it stalk with its
thousand petals, and the royal gander or swan resting on its
pericarp; it is crowded by double streaked bees, and birds of
various kinds, as if it were the abode of the lotus-seated Brahmá
3. All the sides are overspread by mists and fearful frost,
and the red dust of the farina of full blown flowers and lotuses,
have been flying all about; the bees and birds giddy with the
odours spread around, are humming and warbling their tunes
and notes in the open air; and the clouds are spreading above
as an aerial canopy.
4. There is the lashing sound of the breaking waves, beating
against the shore; and here is the rumbling noise of the
humming bees, vying with one another; somewhere[**space removed] the
waters are sleeping in the deep, and elsewhere[**space removed] the fair
lotus of
the lake, are lying hid in the bushes.
5. The pearly particles of water, are lulling away the heat
of the people; wild beasts are prowling on the bank, overgrown
by wild thickets all around; the waves are laving the stones
on the bank, and the land appears as the clear sky on the earth.
6. The bosom of the lake displays the rays of lightnings,
from the redness of the clouds by the dust of flowers borne
above by the winds; and one side of it is obscured by a dark
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rainy cloud hanging over it, while the other side exhibits the
variegated rays of the evening skies above it.
7. There is a fragment of the autumnal cloud, borne aloft
by the driving winds; and appearing as it were a part of the
sky supported upon the air.
8. The rippling waves of the lake by gentle breeze, and the
wettish humming bees fluttering over the bed of the lotus
lake, made a noise all around; like the falling of flowers from
the branches of trees, lying on the bank of a river.
9. The large lotus leaves are waving like fans made of palm
leaves, and the roaming froths were puffing as the snowy chowries
of princes; the buzzing bees and cooing cuckoos, were
singing to and lauding the lake which lay like a lord, in the
assemblage of lotuses, resembling the consorts of his harem.
(The lake is likened to a lord).
10. Lo the chorus[**=print] of black bees, singing their charming
chimes before him;[**=print] and the yellow farina of the lotus flowers,
have strewn his waters with dust of gold. The yellowish
froths are floating like fragments of its gold coloured flowers;
and the flowery furzes[**=print] on the bank, decorate it as its head dress.
11. The deep fountain, having the beautiful lotuses on its
bosom; enjoys their sweet fragrance, as princes derive from the
assemblage, of talented men in their courts.
12. The pellucid lake, reflecting the clear autumnal sky
on its surface; resembles the mind of the wise man, which is
ever clear and[**=print] composed, with the light of the true sástra.
13. The limpid lake is little discernible in winter, when the
keen blasts[**=print] have covered it with hoar frost, and converted its
blueness[**=print] to white.
14. So the world appears to the wise, a vast sheet of the
glory of God; and all these distinct forms of things, like waves
on the sea are lost at last, into the bright element of Eternity.
15. It is by one's own exertion, that every body should
try to raise himself above the sea of error, or else he must be
continually whirling in the whirlpool of blunder, like all other
ignorant men.
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16. As the waters of wells, tanks, lakes and seas, differ from
one another in their quality; so the persons of men and women,
are different from each other in their respective dispositions.
17. Who can count the aquatic plants and lotuses, which
grow in the lakes as plentifully, as the passions and desires
spring in the fountain of the human heart; and which are
carried away by the waves of accidents, or hurled into the whirlpool
of perdition.
18. Oh, the wonderful effect of bad company, that the lotus
growing in the company of aquatic plants, loses its fragrance in
the current waters, and shows its thorny stalks to view.
19. The good qualities of a person like those of the lotus,
are lost under the assemblage of vicious faults in the same;
such as the pores, the hollowness and the too fine and fragile
fibres of the lotus stalks, make them entirely useless to any
20. But the lotus which adorns its natal waters, and fills
the air with its fragrance is as a nobleman born with the
noble qualities of a noble family, and whose virtues is[**are] impossible
for the hundred hooded serpent-[**--]Vásuki also to relate. (Such
a person is called the lotus of his family).
21. What other thing can equal the lotus in its praise, which
in form of Laxmí, rests on the bosom of Hari, and graces[**=print] his
hand in the manner of a bouquet or nose gay.
22. The white and blue lotuses, are both esteemed for their
quality of sweet scent, though they differ in their colour;
and hence the one is sacred to the sun and the other to the
23. The blooming beauty of the lotus-bed, is not comparable
to that of the full blown flowers of the forest; nor does the
lotus-lake bear comparison with the starry heaven also; but
they are to be compared with the comely and smiling face of
the dancing girl in her fete.
24. Blessed are bees, that have all along enjoyed their
lives in revelling over the sweets of flowers, without having any
other thing to care about.
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25. Blest are the bees and cuckoos, that feast upon the
flavour of mango fruits, and regale themselves with the fragrance
of their flowers; all others not so blest, are horn[**born] only to
bear the name of the species.
26. The bees cloyed with honey, and giddy with the flavour
of lotuses, in the lake where they revel; laughed to scorn some
others of their tribe, that led their humble lives on the common
farina of flowers.
27. The black bee that buzzed to the lotus, lived and
sported in its company and slept in its honey cup at night;
was in trouble at the approach of autumn, not knowing what
flower to choose for its fare, and were to resort for its rest.
28. A black bee sitting on the unblown bud of a flower,
appeared as a black man placed over a trident by kála.
29. O thou insatiate bee! that ever rovest over hills and
dales, and suckest the sweets of all kinds of flowers; why
wanderest thou still, unless it were for thy restless discontent.
30. Thou soft bodied bee, that art bred up in sweets, and
fedest[**feedest] upon the farina of flowers; it is better for thee to resort
to the lotuses of the lake, than bruise thy body in thorns and
31. O humble bee, if thou art deprived of thy mellifluous
food and thy fair fare of the farina of flowers in stern winter;
thou shouldst yet repair as wise men do to such as may suit
thy taste, and be congenial to thy nature; rather than be mean
and debase thyself, by thy attendance upon the base and mean.
32. Look there, O lord! the assemblage of milk white swans,
swimming in the lake, and feeding upon the silvery fibres of
lotus stalks, and guggling as gravely, as the chaunters of the
sáma veda.
33. Here the gander pursuing the geese, seated in their
cradles of lotus bushes; thinks the limpid lake as the blue sky,
and the lotus cradle as a cloud, and stops from his pursuit (for
fear of falling down on earth).[**moved '.'] (Mistake of the
terrestial[**terrestrial] lake,
for the aerial mandákiní).
34. Let no body be so unfortunate, O lord, as was this gander,
which [**[was]] in pursuit of the shadow of the goose.
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35. The sweet music of the swan as it sings of its own
accord, is inimitable by the crow or crane, although they are
taught to learn it for many years in its society.
36. Although the swan and drake are both of the same
kind, and of like form and figure, and live upon the same sort
of food; yet they differ widely from one another in their respective
species and qualities.
37. The swan soaring in the sky, with his snow white
wings and feathers; appears as the hoary lotus sitting upon its
stalk; and then it gladdens the minds of men, as the full-moon
with her icy beams.
38. The elevated stalks of lotuses, rising as the lofty stems
of plantain trees, with the lotuses sitting as the goddess Flora
upon them, afford delight to swans only, and to no other bird.
39. Lo, how the lake is adorned like a beauteous lady, with
the waves resembling her waving bracelets, and the ripples
likening her necklaces; while the acquatic[**aquatic] plants and flowers,
represent wreaths and garlands on her bosom.
40. The strings of fluttering bees, are as streaks of black
spots on her person; the swelling of cranes and storks are
as the tinklings of her anklets, and the rippling waves are as
the glances of her eyes.
41. The lake is graced like a lady, by the young swans crying
by her side as her young ones; and looking up to the
mountain as her lord, for a fresh supply of fresh water from
his profluent cascade.
42. Don't you, O harmless swan, says one, reside with the
malicious water fowels[**fowls] and birds of prey, in one and the same
lake; it is better that thou dost remain with thy own kind,
that may assist thee in distress.
43. Look to thy end, O silly bee, says one, that art now so
giddy with thy drink of the sweet honey of flower, and
treadst on the heads of elephants, to sip and suck their exuding
ichor[**ok], and ramblest at large among the blooming lotuses,
that the winter of scarcity is fast approaching to thee, when
thou shalt be constrained to live upon the dewdrops drizzling
on blades of grass or dripping from stones.
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44. O lord! the milk white swan with wide stretched wings
entered into the lotus bush, to see after his young ones, they
on seeing him, begin to cackle, as a child does on seeing his
father before him. The young ones said, O father, It is all
delusion, like[**=print] white pearl in silver and one sees fag over his
head at mid-day.
45. The swan is as silently floating over the limpid waters
of the lake, as the bright moon is gently gliding along the
translucent atmosphere of the firmament; and as it passes
through, the beds of lotuses, its wings bruise against the blossoms,
causing them to distil[**ok] their fragrant fluid, which is
gulped in by fishes, in the manner of the holy water of Ganges.
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[** png 89-97 compared to print]
Argument:--This chapter is devoted to the description of some beasts
and birds, some fishes and a traveller.
Some companion said:--Behold the crane, which notwithstanding
its destitution of all good qualities, has one
special instinct of uttering the onomatopoeia signifying the
2. O crane that resemblest the swan in the colour of thy
feathers, thou mightest will[**well] be taken for a young swan, wert
thou but without the rapacity of the king-fisher (mudgu).
3. So there is a line of king fishers, that are expert in diving
amidst deep waters, and catching the fishes in its wide extended
beaks, now sitting idle on the shore, and not venturing to
dart themselves into the water, for fear of the sharks, floating
there with their open mouths and wide stretched jaws.
4. Thus murderers also dart upon men, in the manner of
diving king fishers, and cry out saying, "madgu madguru,"[**delete "]
this king-fisher is our instructor in killing."
5. Seeing a white heron with its long neck and uplifted
head, sitting silently and watching on the shore, the people
took it at first for a hansa or hern shaw; but finding it afterward
to catch a shrim[**shrimp] from the marsh water, they came to
know it as a heron at last.
6. A crane was observed by a woman, to be sitting on the
shore like a devotee the live long day, while it was in reality
watching for prey, until the evening shade, as the day labourers
are wont to do for their bread.
7. Look there, says a wayfaring woman to her companion,
how these rustic women are culling the lotuses amidst the
frosty lake; if you like you can follow them, but I will fall
back from you.
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8. Look there, O lord! (says the companion to the king),
how that traveller appeases his angry mate, and leads her to
the flowery bower of the weedy bush.
9. Look then, O lord, at the dalliance of the lady, and at
her smiling face mixed with her frowning looks; and hearken
to her speech to her associate.
10. The crane, king fisher and other rapacious birds, that
live together in the same place, are all of the same mind and
purpose; but the fool and wise man can never agree, though
they abide togther[**together] in the same society for ever.
11. As the cricket caught under the bill of wood pecker,
whistles to his face; so the retribution of our past misdeeds,
flies as a flag before us, and unfolds itself unto us (wherever
we may happen to go, or chance to be reborn).
12. As long as the cruel crane of fate, keeps clucking
upon the tall tree on the shore; so long doth the fearful
shrimp (of the living soul), keeps[**keep] itself concealed in the bog
(of the body) with its inward trepidation. Hence there is no
rest or quiet of the body and soul, until the ultimate quietus
of both.
13. The bodies of animals, which are devoured by rapacious
beasts and birds, and then disgorged unhurt and entire out of
their bowels; resemble I ween to their rising from the lap of
sleep, or a state of profound trance.
14. The fear that overtakes the fishes in their native waters,
at the sight of rapacious animals, is far greater than those of
thunder claps or thunder bolts falling upon them; and this I
know from remembrance of my past life of a fish, and cannot
be denied by the wise.
15. Behold there the herd of deer before thus reposing in
raptures over the bed of flowers, under the shade of trees on
the borders of the lake; and look also at the hive of the bees
about the new blown flowers of the grove.
16. Look the high minded and lofty headed peacock craving
and crying aloud for rain water, to the great god of the clouds
and rains; and the god Indra in return pours in floods to fill
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the whole earth with water; for the greatness of gods looks to
the general and individual good.
17. The peacocks like suckling babes, attend on the clouds
as their wet nurses; or it may be, that the black peacocks are
the offspring of dark clouds, (that endears and unites them thus
to one another).
18. Lo the wonderer[**wanderer] looking with wonder on the eyes of the
antelope, and finding their resemblance with those of his dear
one at home, remains stupified as statue at the sight of the
objects exposed to his view.
19. The peacock instead of drinking water from the ground,
snatches by force the snake from underneath; wherefore I am
at aloss[**a loss] to know which of these to blame for its malice. (The
peacock kills the snake, but this one destroys all living creatures).
20. Why is it that the peacock shuns to drink in the large
lake, which is as liberal as the minds of great men; and is
content to swallow the drops of rain water, spit out and spirted
by the cloud; unless it be for shame of stooping down his head,
to drink the water of the lake.
21. See the peacock dancing, with displaying his gaudy
train to the clouds; and oscillating their starry plumage in the
rain, as if they were the offspring of the rainy season.
22. The rainy dark cloud which was carried by the wind
from the bed of ocean, appeared over the forest lake and met
with the gleeful dancing peacock below.
23. It is better for thee, O chátaka! to pick up the blades
of grass for thy food, and drink the water of the fountains,
and rest in the shady plantain grove of the forest; than to
dwell in the hollow cave of a withered tree in sultry heat, by
thy pride of never stooping down for thy subsistence.
24. Think not, O peacock! this cloud to be a sea and the
abode of sharks; but know [**[it]] to be a watery cloud, born of the
smoke of wild fire, and of the vapours of the mountain and
ascending to the sky. (Therefore thou canst not fear to dance
before it).
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25. The peacock seeing the cloud that was so profuse of
rain even in autumn, becoming sometimes so scant of its supply
as not even to fill a tank (such as in times of drought), sustains
its thirst with patience, in gratitude[**space added] to the past favours of
the cloud; nor does it fain to blame its former supporter for
failing, nor deigns to drink any other earthly water like
the common people.
26. The peacock that was wont to drink the crystal drops
of the clouds, would not now stoop to drink the dirty water of
the ditch, though pressed and pinched by drought and thirst;
because the sweet remembrance of his past beverage, supports
him from fainting, and the expectation of fresh draughts, preserves
him from dying.
27. Travellers mitigate the toils of their journey, by mutual
coversation[**conversation] on the way; as the ignorant that cannot
with themselves, communicate their thoughts with others, to
beguile the tediousness of their lives.
28. Look there, O lord! to the slender stalks of the lotuses,
supporting the burden of the water on the lotus leaves; like
yon tender damsels carrying the water pots on their heads.
29. Being asked why they were carrying those of lotus
flowers and leaves and for what use; they replied, to make cooling
beds for assuaging the fever heat of the love sick wives of
travellers from their homes.
30. These impassioned damsels, with their swollen breasts
and youthful dalliance, and the motions and gestures of their
bodies, served to excite the remembrance of the separated
brides, whom the travellers had left behind at their far distant
31. Ah surely, says a traveller, that dear one of mine, must
now be weeping and wailing, or falling down and rolling on the
ground, at the sight of yonder dark cloud in the sky in my
32. Lo there the lines of black bees, fluttering on the
cups of lotuses, and the little bees giddy with the dulciate[**dulcet]
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liquor of flowers; the gentle breezes are blowing on all sides,
and wafting the fragrance of the opening blossoms; while the
leaves of trees are dancing to the tunes of the rustling winds.
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Argument:--The lovesick traveller, relating the woes of his separation
to his beloved one.
The Companions continued:--The traveller having returned
home, and finding his beloved one by the arbour
of mandara trees, began to relate to her the pangs of his protracted
2. Listen to my mavellous[**marvellous] tale, said he, and what happened
to me one day, when I sought to send some one to thee with
my tidings.
3. I sought long but sought in vain, at the time of my painful
separation, to send one to thee at this house of mine; but
where such a one be found in the world, who would take a
severe interest in the affliction of another, for the sake of
charity or mere friendship?
4. Lo, I came to behold even then and there, a big cloud on
the top of a mount, resembling the steed of cupid, that appeared
jocundly before me, accompanied by the swift lightening as
his precourser[**precursor].
5. I advanced before him and addressed unto him, saying;
ah brother cloud, thou bearest the rainbow of Indra, as a collar
about thy neck, and are graceful in thy course, have pity on me
for a moment. Please go to my dear one and tell her my
tidings, with thy low voice, sympathetic tears and breath of
sighs; because the tender form of the pliant creeper, will not
be able to bear thy loud uproar.
6. I know not, O dark cloud! to what abode to direct thee
to find my beloved one, who is pictured in the plate of my
heart by the pencil of my mind, and was forever situated in
my bosom.
7. But now, O my friendly cloud! my distracted mind has
lost that figure of my beloved in my breast, together with the
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sight of her person from my eyes; and now having lost the
freedom of my body in a foreign country, I have become but a
wooden frame work without my love, which is its living soul:
for what living body can bear the pangs of separation.
8. People then thought me dead, and with tears in their
eyes, began to prepare my obsequies and collect wood for my
9. I was borne away to be burnt on a dreadful funeral pile,
which was horribly crackling with the cracking wood, of the
blazing fire on the burning ground.
10. There, O my lotus eyed love, I was laid on the pile by
some persons with their weeping eyes; and the pyre was surrounded
by a number of men, who stood as spectators of the
horrible sight.
11. At that time the curling smoke of the pyre, began to
enter into my nostrils like the creepers or stalks of lotus
plants; and as when the dark and lengthy body of the curvilinear
snake, enters into a hole in the ground.
12. But all this, I was defended by the strong armour of
my firm love to thee; as the unborn or selfborn son of god
Brahmá, was defended from the showers of darts, of the whole
post of demons and thinking myself to be plunged in the
cooling pool of thy love within my heart; I was untouched by
the flames of fire burning all about me.
13. All this time I lay in the ecstacy[** ecstasy] of my love to thee,
and I felt raptures of joy rise in my breast, from my fancied
association with thee. I deemed myself as drowned in an ambrosial
lake, while I was in that state of rapture, and thought
sovereignty of the whole world, too insignificant before my
ecstatic transport.
14. Methought I felt raptures of inexpressible delight fill
my whole soul, at the thought of all thy blandishments and
graces, and in the allurements of thy speech, sweet smiles and
side long glances, and all the gestures and motions of thy person,
that spread an ambrosial charm all around me.
15. Methought we clasped in mutual embraces, and together
in amorous folds; till exhausted with surfeit, I lay
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upon the cool soft bed, as if I was drowned in the cold and icy
ocean of the lunar disc.
16. At this moment as I lay long in my bed, bedewed with
cool sandal paste, and the cooling beams of the full-moon; I
heard a thundering noise accompanied with flames of fire, rising
from the burning pile of woods under me, as it was the submarine
fire, proceeding from the milky ocean wherein I was lying.
17. The companions resumed:--When the husband had said
so far, his listening spouse cried out aloud; saying Ahme! "I am
dead, I am gone," and for fear of hearing the sad consequence, fell
into a swoon and became senseless.
18. The husband finding her fainting, began to wave over
her fan of lotus leaves, besprinkled with water; and taking her
up to his bosom, tried to restore her to her senses.
19. Being then desired by her to finish his tale, he began
to relate the remainder by holding her chin with his hand.
20. As I felt the pain of the burning flame touching my
body, I cried out and groaned in affliction; the spectators hastened
to extinguish the blazing pile, and felt delighted to find
me alive.
21. The attendants then with loud spouts of joy, like the
sound of drums &c. and with garlands of flowers, raised and
embraced me to their bosoms; and went on shouting and singing
and dancing and laughing with exultation.
22. I then saw the funeral ground resembling the formidable
body of Bhairava-[**--]the god of destruction. It was equally
covered with ashes, wreathed with snakes and studded with
human skulls: and the scattered bones that were strewn over
the ground, seemed as the beams of the moon crowning the
head of Siva.
23. Here pot winds were blowing from the funeral piles, as
from the burning fire on Haras[**Hara's] head; and bearing the burnt
ashes of the dead bodies, as a dark mist all around; they bore
stink of the rotten bones to the air, and carried about the rustling
noise of the bones jostling against one another.
24. The burning piles and their flashing flames and flying
sparks, and the fiery winds scorching the trees and herbage;
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give this place the appearance of the play ground, of the gods
of wind and fire, and of the sons of sun-yama[**Yama] and
25. Thus I saw the funeral ground full of terrors, and covered
with skeletons of half-burnt bodies and putrid carcasses
also; it is infested by hungry dogs and howling jackals, and
other voracious beasts, and the ravenous ravens and vultures.
It is a place where the Vetála-demons and Pisáchahobgoblings[**
revel with fearful shrieks and jarring sounds.
26. I beheld there the biers of dead bodies, borne by their
mourning friends, with loud cries and lamentations that filled
the air all about. I saw the beasts and birds, that tore their
entrails and arteries, yet moist with blood, and I saw the ground
strewn over with half burnt logs of wood and bushes.
27. In some places the glaring pyres, gave a gloomy light,
and in others the tufts of hair, were heaped as spots of clouds;
some where the ground was besmeared with blood, and looked
like a lurid sheet of cloth; and else where the clouds were
roaring, as the setting sun went down the western hill (or
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Argument:--Prolusion on the winds and the forest trees and wild bees;
then on celestial nymphs, birds &c.
The companions continued:--Thus the loving pair after
taking to one another in the aforesaid manner; began
to sip their delicious wine. And now attend, O lotus eyed
lord to the other things of things of this place.
2. Lo, there the winds, shaking the plantain leaves and
clusters of their flowers, and blowing to all sides, with the dust
of various sorts of flowers, with which they have adorned themselves.
3. There the breezes are blowing, loaded with odours exhaled
by the flowers of the forest; and there the gentle zephers[**zephyrs]
are wafting the perfumes, which they have stolen from the
locks of their favourite fairies.
4. Here are the blasts blowing from the salt sea on the
south; and driving as fastly as the stern lion rushes into the
fastness of woods and mountain caves; and as forcibly, as the
fierce giants attacked the gods on the top of mount meru[**Meru].
5. Again there is the high wind playing and shaking with
the high tamála, tála and other palma[**palm] trees; while the gentle
gales, are softly gliding over the waves, and wafting their moisture
to the tender plants below.
6. There the soft breezes are wheezing, with the dust
thrown out by the flowers; while gentle zephers[**zephyrs] are moving
about as princes amidst the bowers and flower gardens.
7. There the god Eolus[**Aeolus] plays his sweet sylvan pipe, in the
holes of the hollow bamboo; in the manner of the female sweet
musicians, tuning their reeds in the city of Pándu or
(Here is a palpable anachronism with regard to the anterior of
prince Pándu).
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8. Here every plant is fraught with bees, except the karnikara
flower; which is avoided by them, on account of its disregard
of the god of air, by withholding to pay him the tribute
odour and farina.
9. The tála or palm tree, that rises as high as a column
but yields no fruit nor flower to the hungry passenger, owing to
its inaccessible height, is as disgraceful in itself as the uncharitable
rich man.
10. Ignorant and unworthy people, build their pride on outward
show, as the kinsuka flower displays the beauty of its
colour to view, in absence of its fragrance.
11. Look at the Karnikara flower, blooming only to decay;
because its want of fragrance makes it as worthless and despicable,
as unworthy and ignorant men are disregarded by all.
12. So the tamála tree with its blushing blossoms, beguile
the thirsty chátaka by its false appearance of a rainy cloud, so
the fair outside of the fool, deceives the unwise by his inward
13. Look at these robust, woody, shady and cloudcapt[**capped?--P2:capt
OK/SOED (in examples)] hills,
which afford shade and shelter to others; and are possessed of
many more qualities, befitting the kings of men; are standing
in the manner of lofty bamboos (having all these qualities in
14. Look at yonder cloud on the mountain top, resting as it
were upon the seat of its table land of bright gold, and twirling
its yellow mantle of lightnings; appearing as the god Hari
clad in his vest of aureate yellow.
15. Look on the blooming kinsuka flower, with the flutter-bees
and birds about them appearing as a fighting warriors[**warrior],
pierced by flying arrows, and besmeared with crimson blood.
16. Lo the golden mandára flowers, touching the amber-coloured
clouds of heaven; appearing as the giddy Gandharva
lads, lying on the top of the Mahendra mountain,[**.]
17. Behold the weary wayfarers, laying and lulling themselves
to rest, under the shade of the Kalpa trees in the garden
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of paradise; while the siddhas and Vidyádharas are sitting
there at ease, and singing their songs to the tune of their
stringed instruments.
18. Behold also the celestial nymphs, stretched there at
ease, at tittering and singing in the groves-bowers of the Kalpa
arbour of eden[**Eden].
19. There is the silent abode of the great sage Mandapala,
famed in the legends; and the cave of the celebrated vulture
said to be his wife.
20. See there the line of hermitages of the ancient sages;
where the envious animals forget their mutual animosities, and
together in perfect concord and amity.
21. There are the coral plants, growing with other shrubs
and bushes, by the side of the sea coast; and the drops of water
trickling upon them, glisten as gems by the solar rays.
22. The waves are rolling with precious gems, on the bosom
of the ocean; like playful damsels rocking on with their ornaments
on the breasts of their lovers.
23. Here the jingling noise of the jewelleries of the celestial
nymphs, sauntering from the celestial regions, to the infernal
abodes of the serpents through the midway skies.
24. Here those hollow mountain caves, whistling with a
sound resembling the buzzing of wild bees, falling down giddy
with drinking the ichor[**OK/SOED] exuding from the forehead of
25. Lo the sea ebbing with the waning moon during the
dark fortnight of the month; and the receding tides describing
and leaving the linear marks of their regression upon the
sands on the shore.
26. Lo the woodland decorated as a beauty, with clusters
of flowers hanging as wreaths and garlands on every side;
breathing fragrance all about, and attired in the robe of its
cooling shade.
27. The variegated foliage from its partycoloured[**removed dash] dress,
and the waterfalls seem as its sweet smiles; and the flowers
strewn about, appear as the flowery bed of the happy woodland
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dame. (The word vana means the vana-devi or woodland
goddess, corresponding with a dryad, sylva or Flora).
28. Here the high-minded sages and hermits, are as highly
delighted with their quiet sylvan retreats; as the celestials are
joyous in gardens of Eden. (Eden and udyána are both the
29. The placid and indifferent minds of sages, are equally
delighted with these solitary woodlands, as the restless and
impatient minds of lovers and worldly people.
30. The waters of the sea, whether running into the land, or
washing the foot of the rock on the sea-shore; are equally shinning
and sounding as their tinkling ornaments or anklets
31. The punnága flowers blooming on mountains, appear as
golden mines upon them; and the gold finch birds flying over
them, look like winged angels in the aerial course.
32. The mountain forests appear to be in a conflagration,
with their full blown champaka flowers blazing as fire, and
the bees and clouds hovering over them as smoke; while the
current winds are spreading above their dust and petals like
the sparks of fire.
33. Lo the kokila swinging and singing, on his seat of the
top most stalk of a karavira tree; when his mate comes and
embraces him there, and sings responsive to his songs with her
clamorous chattering. (It is a sarcasm on pettish wives, that
often interrupt the silent musings of their consorts with their
34. See the salt waters of the briny ocean, roaring aloud
against shore; but the coast-lands are kept in subjection under
the hands of their able masers[**masters]. (The rule of kings stretched to
the seashore).
35. O lord! deign to make this earth, (i. e. the continent of
Jambudwipa or Asia)[**remove ')'], stretching to the four seas on the four
sides), as thy footstool; and establish thy rule over the remaining
potentates, that escaped the brunt of thy valour; appoint
rulers over all the provinces on all sides; and provide them
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with proper force and arms, which are necessary to keep them
in order; and continue to govern thy realms with mercy and

Om Tat Sat

( My humble salutations to Brahmasri Sreemaan Vihari Lala Mitra ji for the collection)

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